Benefits of Rajamudi Rice:
The antioxidants in the rice help fight free radicals and retard the appearance of wrinkles on the skin and capture the aging.
Zinc present in Rajamudi rice increases immunity in the body to fight against diseases.
Due to its low glycemic index, Rajamudi rice helps control normal sugar levels, making it a diabetic-friendly food.
The rice is a boon to weight watchers as it doesn’t increase weight; on the contrary, it helps in losing weight.
Indulge guilt-free in this healthy rice and spare the raptures over white rice.
Lakshmi Bharadwaj –
I used to take Rajmudi rice and Navara rice from Indic Living as our traditional food is wheat mostly. Being low glycemic Rajmudi and Navara best suited all our family members from infants to any age…..